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上海申捷餐饮有限公司是一家专业化生产企业团膳,大型会务接待用餐,旅游活动餐,酒会 , 自助餐,茶 歇烧烤,中西式宴会,商务餐,桶饭配送。企事业单位餐厅托管,学校食堂托管 , 净菜半成品加工配送,以及 中式连锁快餐经营的大型膳食管理公司 . 企业的核心技术团队人才来自高校后勤和行业餐饮管理的资深人才。 公司并具备对智能化中央厨房的设计、设备布局、人员培训、菜单制作、数据分析和管理制度建设、生产流 程设计、品控检测等专业培训指导。

近年来公司特别重视在团膳服务的受聘托管工作,特派专业人员上门承办膳食管理服务等业务。不仅在 餐饮服务的业态模式上有新的创新思路,且在经营上、管理上、服务上、安全上都有一整套创新的管理制度。 更重要的是在企业文化上,人力资源的思想品行上更有严密的管理风范。

Shanghai Shenjie catering Co., Ltd is a professional production of its meat, large conference reception, literature and art, leisure and tourism activities meal, cocktail party. In the barbecue buffet, tea, western-style banquet, business dinner, barrels rice distribution. Enterprises and institutions restaurant managed, school canteens hosting. Major semi-finished products processing and distribution, as well as the Chinese fast food chain management of large meals management company!

The core technical team talent from universities catering management industry logistics and senior talents. Company and the design of intelligent central kitchen, equipment layout, personnel training, menu, data analysis and management system construction, production process design, quality control testing and other professional training guidance.
In recent years, the company pay special attention to work in a group meals service of paid hosting special to come to undertake dietary management services such as business professionals. Not only on the food and beverage service mode of the formats have new innovative ideas, and in business, management, service, security has a full set of management system innovation. What is more important on the corporate culture, human resources are more closely on the ideological morality of management style.


  • 客户/The customer
    Listen to and understand the needs of customers, to ensure the safety of the product nutrition, health, delicious, create more value for customers.
  • 员工/Employees
    Equally important for the company, employees and customers to help them realize the life values, common development.
  • 产品/Product
    Constantly beyond, the pursuit of perfection, innovation as the soul.
  • 技术/Technology
    Endless pursuit of perfect innovation, progress.
  • 愿景/Vision
    Industry’s biggest food and beverage, food manufacturers, production supply and distribution services. Become the most valuable customer and most worth trusted partner.

管理团队/The management team

公司拥有一支由中餐高级烹饪技师、高级营养师、饭店管理经济师等专业技术人员组成的团膳研发团队 和管理团队,确保公司餐品服务满足客户“健康营养、时尚美味”的高标准要求。公司的管理团队由毕业于 重点大学并在各行业取得一定成就的中高级管理人员组成,热爱团膳食业,管理意识超前。

The company has a group meal R & D team and management team composed of senior Chinese cooking technicians, senior nutritionists, hotel management economists and other professional and technical personnel to ensure that the company’s food service meets the high standard requirements of “healthy nutrition, fashion and delicious” of customers. The management team of the company is composed of middle and senior management personnel who graduated from key universities and have made certain achievements in various industries. They love the group catering industry and have advanced management awareness.

团队介绍/Team to introduce

我们拥有一支有激情、有创意、有凝聚力的年轻团队,公司的高层领导和主要技术人才都赴日本、 新加坡进行过专业培训。大部分还参加了北京 2008 奥运会(含残奥会)的餐饮服务和现场饮食管理, 并得到国家奥组委的表彰嘉奖。主要骨干还参加了国庆 60 周年阅兵式餐饮保障服务,并成为全国高 效产业研究会和中国营养学会的骨干理事和中国烹饪学会的专业人才。尤其在 2010 年上海世博会餐 饮服务过程中,公司为满足现代化都市人快节奏和多元化的生活方式,开拓学校和社会的后勤社会 化新的供餐业态模式。

We have a passionate, creative and cohesive young team. The company’s senior leaders and main technical personnel have gone to Japan and Singapore for professional training. Most of them also participated in the catering service and on- site catering management of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games (including the Paralympic Games), and were commended and commended by the National Olympic Organizing Committee. The main backbone also participated in the catering support service of the 60th anniversary parade of the national day, and became the backbone director of the national high efficiency Industry Research Association and the Chinese Nutrition Society and the professional personnel of the Chinese culinary society. Especially in the catering service process of the 2010 Shanghai World Expo, the company has developed a new catering mode of logistics socialization for schools and society to meet the fast-paced and diversified lifestyle of modern urbanites.

管理理念/Management concept


Quality first, reputation first, management, services for honesty.
Quality is the weight of the trust, is a key competition winner, is the pursuit of endless, the starting point of value and dignity.
The service is supreme, the pursuit of excellence.

实业发展/Industrial Development

科学发展战略观 — 前瞻性思维确定申捷战略发展方向 高效化中央管理机制 — 专业化中央管理机制 创新行业服务模式 — 站在客户角度,提供人性化餐饮服务 先进中餐生产技术 — 建立专业化生产基地

Scientific concept of development strategy — forward thinking to determine the development direction of ShenJie strategy Efficient central management mechanism — specialized central management mechanism
Innovating the service mode of the industry — providing humanized catering service from the perspective of customers Advanced Chinese food production technology — establishing specialized production base


为食者谋福 为耕者谋利

For the predator seeks the blessing Gain for tiller



Cheng hui business elite, wisdom and good management, our quality and service for your benefit.
Safety, nutrition, innovation, professional, focused, single-minded

企业理念/Enterprise idea

诚信为本,客户至上,真诚沟通,优质保障,引领餐饮标准化,推动餐饮行业的产业升级,提高客 户和消费者的满意,倡导低碳环保智能中央厨房,提升餐饮从业人员的成就感。

Honesty, customer first, sincere communication, quality guarantee, leading food standardization, promote food industry industrial upgrading, improve the satisfaction of the customers and consumers, advocate low carbon environmental protection intelligent central kitchen, enhance catering staff a sense of achievement.

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